A mass of enlarged lymphatic tissue between the back of the nose and the throat, often hindering

  • Speaking and breathing in young children.
  • Have trouble breathing through the nose.
  • Breathe through the mouth
  • Have noisy breathing
  • Have bad breath.
  • snore. n enlarged adenoid may cause snoring,
  • mouth breathing, persistent congestion,

The adenoids and tonsils work by trapping germs coming in through the mouth and nose. Adenoids usually start to shrink after about age 5. By the teenage years, they are almost completely gone.
Adenoid hypertrophy is a physical alteration that may affect speech, and a speech disorder can have other negative effects on a child’s life. Airway obstruction leads to constricted oral breathing and causes postural alterations A lot of children have enlarged tonsils or adenoids. This can make their airways
narrower, causing them to snore and stop breathing for short periods of time while sleeping. If their sleep is affected over the long term, it can lead to various problems and sometimes even to medical conditions. of several oro-facial structures, including the mouth, tongue, and hyoid bone.

  1. CalAcarea Carb A– best homeopathic medicine for adenoids with increased sweating of head
  2. Baryta Carb – best homeopathic treatment for adenoids with tonsillitis
  3. Tuberculinum – one of the best homeopathic medicines for adenoids with increased sensitivity to cold
  4. Thuja – best homeopathic remedy for adenoids with greenish discharge
  5. Sanguinaria -one of the best homeopathic medicines for adenoids with nasal obstruction

1. Calcarea Carb-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for adenoids enlargement with excessive sweating of the head

In children who have excessive sweating of the head, Calcarea Carb is one of the best Homeopathic remedies for enlarged adenoids. The child is usually fat and flabby. The child is very sensitive to cold air and takes cold easily at every change of weather. He is fond of eggs and does not like milk. At the same time he likes to have many indigestible things like chalk, coal and pencils. His appetite may increase with the catarrhal symptoms.

Baryta Carb- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for adenoids with tonsil enlargement

In cases where there is tonsillitis or enlargement of tonsils along with the hypertrophy of adenoids, Baryta Carb is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for adenoids enlargement. The child has catarrh of posterior nares. All sorts of glands swell and become hypertrophied. There may even be pus formation in the tonsils.

3. Tuberculinum- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for adenoids hypertrophy with great sensitivity to cold

Tuberculinum is one of the best Homeopathic remedy for hypertrophied adenoids when the child has great sensitivity to cold air and low temperatures. There may be a tubercular history in the family. The child may seem to be mentally deficient.

4. Thuja – One of the best Homeopathic remedies for Adenoids enlargement with greenish discharge

When there is a greenish discharge from the nose and the mucous membranes, Thuja is one of the best homeopathic remedies for adenoids enlargement. There may be a feeling of painful pressure at the root of the nose.

Sanguinaria Nitrica-One of the best Homeopathic medicines for adenoids with sense of obstruction

In cases where there is a constant sense of obstruction, Sanguinaria Nitrica is one of the best homeopathic medicines for swollen adenoids.